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How to Lose Weight with PCOS

 How to Lose Weight with PCOS

How to Lose Weight with PCOS


If you're looking for a way to lose weight, PCOS can make it easier. With PCOS, your body doesn't produce enough of the hormones that regulate hunger and fullness. As a result, you may eat more calories than your body needs and not feel full until late into the night. Here are some dieting tips for those with PCOS:

Get moving.

Exercise is a great way to lose weight and feel healthier. It can help you control your insulin levels, which in turn helps you lower your blood pressure and cholesterol levels. According to WebMD, exercising 30 minutes every day will help reduce your risk of developing diabetes by up to 50%. If that's not enough for you, try this tip: "Try walking more than 3 miles per week or doing other types of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise such as biking or swimming for 30 minutes at least three times per week."

You should make sure that whatever form of exercise you choose does not put too much stress on the joints or ligaments in your body--especially if they're already weakened by PCOS. For example:

    Avoid high-impact activities like soccer (or any sport requiring lots of jumping). They might cause pain when played regularly over time because they affect different parts of the body differently than other exercises do (such as running).

Eat low-glycemic foods.

You may have heard that a low-glycemic diet is the best way to lose weight. But what does that mean?

A low-glycemic diet means eating mostly whole foods like fruits, vegetables, and grains--but also including some protein. You can keep your blood sugar levels stable by eating foods with a low glycemic index (GI). Foods with high GI values break down quickly into glucose in the body and cause spikes in insulin levels that can trigger cravings for more sugary foods.

Low glycemic food choices include:

    Whole wheat pasta instead of white pasta

    Brown rice instead of white rice

    Tomatoes instead of tomato sauce

Ditch the sugar.

Sugar is bad for your health. It can trigger PCOS symptoms, make you gain weight and cause diabetes, tooth decay and heart disease. Sugar is addictive as well--and this is where the weight loss journey begins!

In order to lose weight with PCOS without resorting to extreme measures like surgery or medications (which are often not recommended), start by cutting out sugar from your diet completely. This may seem like an impossible task at first glance but it's actually quite simple once we break down what exactly makes up sugar:

Cut the carbs.

    Low-carb diets are effective for weight loss.

    They can help with PCOS symptoms, insulin sensitivity, and blood sugar control.

Increase your fiber intake.

Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that the body cannot digest. It passes through your digestive system, but does not get absorbed by your body. Fiber helps you feel full and reduces blood sugar levels, which can help with weight loss in people with PCOS who have insulin resistance or diabetes.

Fiber also helps reduce cholesterol levels in the bloodstream and lowers blood pressure--which is another reason why it's so important for people who have PCOS to increase their fiber intake (1). Fiber also prevents constipation and hemorrhoids (2), two conditions that often accompany PCOS symptoms like irregular periods and bloating around the belly button area due to hormonal imbalances caused by elevated levels of estrogen in our bodies!

Add good fats.

You can add good fats to your diet in the form of avocado, coconut oil, and olive oil. Good fats are important for weight loss because they help your body metabolize fat. They also help you feel full longer and boost metabolism so that you burn more calories throughout the day.

Good fats have been shown to improve heart health by reducing inflammation in the body (1). When we eat too much bad fat (such as trans-fats), it can make us feel sluggish and tired--or even cause diseases like heart disease or diabetes! Good fats make these issues less likely by helping our bodies absorb nutrients from food better than bad fats do; this helps prevent excess weight gain while keeping us feeling healthy overall

Anyone can lose weight, but if you have PCOS, following these dieting tips can make it easier to lose weight without triggering symptoms.

Anyone can lose weight, but if you have PCOS, following these dieting tips can make it easier to lose weight without triggering symptoms.

    Eat a balanced diet that includes lots of fresh produce and whole grains.

    Avoid processed foods such as white bread and pasta.

    Drink water instead of sugary drinks like soda or fruit juices so that you don't have to deal with cravings while trying to cut back on calories.


We hope you found this post helpful and will be able to incorporate some of these dieting tips into your own routine. If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below! We love hearing from our readers and would love to hear from you too.

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